15 September 2017

What is a Bitcoin Mining Pool?

Bitcoin mining is competitive and the goal is that you want to solve or “find” a block before anyone else’s miner does. Then you will get the block reward and transaction fees from the block. During the last several years we have seen an incredible amount of hashrate coming online which made it harder to have enough hashrate personally (individually) to solve a block, thus getting the payout reward. To compensate for this pool mining was developed.

What a mining pool does is accept connections from miners anywhere in the world (if applicable and some are private) and pool their hashrate together thus mining with a higher total hashrate. In doing this the variance or luck of finding block is increased to the positive by having a larger total hashrate in trying to process a block the fastest.

Here is the official wiki definition of pooled mining:

“Pooled mining is a mining approach where groups of individual miners contribute to the generation of a block, and then split the block reward according the contributed processing power. Pooled mining effectively reduces the granularity of the block generation reward, spreading it out more smoothly over time among the group.”

There are several types of mining pool payout systems. You can choose which is the best for you based on your own personal requirements. The different payout systems are summarized below. Choosing a Bitcoin mining pool is up to which pool you feel is the fairest and which can get you the highest amount of payouts for your investment. Most pools are provably fair and will pay out fairly based on their type of pool approach. Below is comparison home mining and cloud mining, click picture to zoom.

Pay Per Share (PPS)

The Pay-per-Share (PPS) approach is to offer an instant flat payout for each share that is solved. The payout is offered from the pool’s existing balance and can therefore be withdrawn immediately, without waiting for a block to be solved or confirmed. The possibility of cheating the miners by the pool operator and by timing attacks is thus completely eliminated.

This method results in the least possible variance for miners while transferring all risk to the pool operator. The resulting possibility of loss for the server is offset by setting a payout lower than the full expected value.

Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS)

PPLNS has a higher payout. PPLNS will give you wide fluctuations in your 24 hour payout, but for hardcore miners, the law of large numbers states you will earn more this way. This is for people trying to mine as fast as possible.

One thing to remember in choosing your pool is to keep in mind the global hashrate and if you can choose a pool that may not have the most hashrate. In doing this you strengthen smaller pools and spread the hashrate out to help mining decentralization. You also want to choose a mining pool with nodes the closest to where your miners are located. While most pools nodes are fine from all over the world it can help with lost shares and lower latency. 

Bitcoin.com has its own mining pool which offers both payout approaches mentioned above. You can begin mining today with competitive pricing and cloud mining contracts which is sure to yield profitability. When you begin mining if you have questions on how to start, fees, or payouts, simply login and head over to the Getting Started page to read some common question and answers. There is also a community forum where users can engage with other miners.

Bitcoin Cloud Mining, Is It Worth It and Is It Safe?

Bitcoin cloud mining can be a tricky thing to determine if it’s completely safe in the Bitcoin world, and if it is, will it be cost effective? The return on your investment can be longer than other alternatives such as buying and selling Bitcoin. This can be due to the fees involved, the time it takes to mine, the upfront costs and the value of Bitcoin during that time. The upside is that if the costs are reasonable, the cloud mining operation has good rewards and the price of Bitcoin rises, you will more than likely end up making a healthy return on your investment.

Your first task is to find a reputable cloud mining provider. One of the best ways to make sure you have a reputable service is to look on industry news sites, forums, and reddit sub-forums to check out lists of cloud services and customer feedback on them. Many times you will find that people will post about their experiences with different services, exposing scams or detailing why a service may be legit. A thing to keep in mind as well that many scam services will buy advertising on everything from forums, news sites and subreddits. So be careful and do your due diligence before you spend your money. If you see an ad for a service but cannot find much information on it ask on a forum or subreddit, contact the news organization that you saw the ad on and ask for feedback. Many times someone will know more information or at least be able to provide guidance.

Bitcoin.com has launched it’s own cloud mining pool with competitive pricing, which you can register for and begin cloud mining today.

When you have discovered and researched the cloud mining service you want to use you need to then take into account the following things next in deciding to buy or not.
Price per gh/s or th/s
Service fees (some are included in the purchase of your hashrate as opposed to recurring fees)
Time to ROI (this is very important as even a legit service may cost so much that to ROI the time frame could be unrealistic with difficulty levels moving up and BTC value not climbing enough to help get your ROI on your purchased hashrate)

If you have decided that your chosen cloud mining service meets all of your mining requirements then you purchase your hash power and sit back and watch the Bitcoin rewards come in. You do not have to setup or maintain any equipment, listen to it make noise and generating heat.

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Cloud Mining

  • No installation or setup costs (hosting centers will host Bitcoin mining gear you buy and run it at their location. Many will charge a one time setup fee)
  • No noisy, heat generating gear in your home.
  • Maintenance is taken care of.
  • No extra equipment to buy to have your mining gear running.
  • No risks of fire and other issues that can arise from running it yourself.

  • You do not own the equipment which means you cannot sell it.
  • Some you cannot point your hashrate at the mining pool of your choice.
  • Some providers will cease operations of your chosen cloud miners if a profitability threshold is too low as difficulty goes up and new equipment comes out.
  • Company can go out of business or just run away with the funds if they want.
  • Could end up a scam as promised payouts are unable to be met as hashrate was oversold (selling more hashrate that they have) and owners decide to cut and run as they did not put some of their profits into upgrading to new gear as it comes out.

While this is a lot to keep in mind when looking for a cloud mining service if you do your homework you may have things work out okay. It is never a guarantee when you do not have control over your mining gear. Always keep that in mind.

So as you can see cloud mining while being a good idea on one hand can be a risk on the other hand. Just like a normal stock investment, never risk more than you can lose, and do your homework first before investing.

14 September 2017

Pool.Bitcoin - Price for cloud mining (TRUSTED NO SCAMM!!)

Prices are shown in US Dollars. You can switch between BTC and BCC for free. Switching takes about 1 day.

As you can see data collected by https://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/pool.bitcoin.com

How do I get started?

To get started, please buy a cloud mining contract from us. You don't need any special hardware to do cloud mining, we will do the mining for you. If you have your own specialized mining hardware (such as an Antminer S9 or Avalon 721), you can connect it to our pool with the address displayed in the dashboard.

Why are you selling cloud mining contracts? Why not keep the profit for yourself?

We are selling cloud mining contracts to grow our hashrate. Even though our prices are the lowest in cloud mining industry, we still make a slight profit from each sale. We will use the sales revenue to immediately purchase more mining hardware. If we didn't sell mining contracts, we would have to use our own capital to purchase more mining hardware. Selling the contracts at a discount of what they will actually earn allows us to leverage our working capital to grow much much faster than we would be able to otherwise.

Why do I earn more at Bitcoin.com Pool?

We pay 110% of the block reward, charge 0% fees, and have an extremely high share acceptance rate. Our hashrate contracts also have the most competitive prices in the industry.

08 September 2017

HashFlare - Price for cloud mining (TRUSTED NO SCAMM!!)

Buying hashrate of equipment hosted in the HashFlare datacenter you rest assured that the mining equipment is placed, set up and maintained by a team of qualified personnel. 

Dear users,

At the end of this summer, the cryptocurrency mining market experienced many changes which resulted in some uncertainties. With booming interest towards cryptocurrency mining our datacenters were teared apart by mining enthusiasts, resulting in shortage of available SHA-256 hashrate. Lack of available hardware on the market also influenced the prices for such hardware, including HashFlare contracts. However, price changes did not mitigate the constantly increasing demand, thus resulting in SHA-256 getting out of stock.

We would like to let you know that we have temporarily suspended purchases of SHA-256 contracts until the next hardware delivery to our datacenters.

All orders that were created prior to disabling of contract sale will become activated upon the payment confirmation. SHA-256 reinvest will also be disabled until new hardware is installed.

We will update you once SHA-256 contracts become available.


HashFlare.io team (updated 9 September 2017)

How does Bitcoin work?

With traditional money, transferring funds from one account to another requires some intermediary authority or middleman. Even with hand-to-hand cash transactions, the issue, value and fiscal policy of money is controlled by a trusted centralized authority (such as a bank, agency or government). Bitcoin operates differently in that no middleman is required in transactions as the trust between actors is derived from computer science and cryptology, rather than trust in a central establishment. It also means that Bitcoin is transferred directly from the sender to the receiver, with absolutely no intermediaries.

A key point to note is that because of this lack of central issuing body, cryptocurrency is created and transferred with the help of a process called “mining”. This process requires an extremely powerful computer to crunch down the billions of calculations required to solve cryptological functions.

In reality, the mining process is extremely complex and technical. Despite its complexity, the process is transparent and open for review due to the open-source nature of Bitcoin. 

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system. Its unique properties attract many followers and opponents. It’s impossible to tell whether Bitcoin will establish itself as the sole payment system for the internet, but for right now – there is significant interest and demand for it. The Bitcoin economy is still in its infancy and there are already many investors and people who are attracted by the prospects this new disrupting technology may bring.

The future of Bitcoin is unclear at the moment due to legal uncertainty (governments cannot issue it, but they can prohibit use), unstable exchange rates and subsequent lack of widespread (albeit rapidly growing) adoption. However, people familiar with Bitcoin and technology often note the similarities between Bitcoin’s ascendance and the rise of Internet in the 1990-2000s. When the Internet first emerged in the early 90s many experts underestimated the impact it would have on the world. It is often predicted Bitcoin will follow the same pattern. Until then, current users are embracing this truly innovative idea and are contributing to establishing a global bitcoin economy.